KJV Dictionary index for T
- tabernacle
- table (etc.)
- tablet
- tabor (etc.)
- tabret
- tache
- tackle (etc.)
- tail (etc.)
- take (etc.)
- taken
- taker
- tale (etc.)
- talebearer (etc.)
- talent (etc.)
- talk (etc.)
- talker
- tall (etc.)
- tame (etc.)
- tanner
- tapestry
- tare (etc.)
- target (etc.)
- tarry (etc.)
- tarsus
- tartan
- task (etc.)
- taskmaster
- taste (etc.)
- tattler
- tau
- taught
- taunt (etc.)
- tavern (etc.)
- tax (etc.)
- taxation
- teach (etc.)
- teacher
- tear (etc.)
- tedious (etc.)
- teeth (etc.)
- tell
- temper (etc.)
- tempest
- tempestuous (etc.)
- temple
- temporal (etc.)
- tempt (etc.)
- temptation
- tempter
- ten
- tend (etc.)
- tender (etc.)
- tenon
- tenor
- tent (etc.)
- tenth
- teraphim
- term (etc.)
- terrace (etc.)
- terrestrial (etc.)
- terrible (etc.)
- terrified (etc.)
- terror
- testament (etc.)
- testate (etc.)
- testified (etc.)
- testimonial (etc.)
- tetrarch (etc.)
- than
- thank (etc.)
- thanksgive (etc.)
- that
- the
- theatre
- thee
- theft
- their
- them
- themselves
- then
- thence
- thenceforth
- there
- thereabouts
- thereat
- thereby
- therefor (etc.)
- therefrom
- therein
- thereinto
- thereof
- thereon
- thereout
- thereunto
- thereupon
- therewith (etc.)
- these
- they
- thick (etc.)
- thicket
- thief
- thieve
- thigh
- thin (etc.)
- thine
- thing
- think (etc.)
- third (etc.)
- thirdly
- thirst (etc.)
- thirstiness (etc.)
- thirteen
- thirteenth
- thirtieth (etc.)
- this
- thistle
- thither
- thitherward
- thong
- thorn
- thoroughly
- those
- thou
- though
- thought (etc.)
- thousand
- threaten (etc.)
- three
- threefold
- threescore
- thresh
- threw
- thrice
- throat
- throne (etc.)
- throng (etc.)
- through
- throughly
- throughout
- throw
- thrown
- thrust (etc.)
- thummim
- thunder (etc.)
- thunderbolt
- thus
- thy
- thyself
- tide (etc.)
- tile (etc.)
- till (etc.)
- tillage
- tiller (etc.)
- timber (etc.)
- timbrel (etc.)
- time (etc.)
- timoneer
- tin (etc.)
- tingle (etc.)
- tinkle (etc.)
- tip (etc.)
- tire (etc.)
- tis
- tithe (etc.)
- title (etc.)
- tittle
- to
- toe
- together
- toil (etc.)
- token (etc.)
- tola
- told
- tolerable (etc.)
- toll (etc.)
- tomb
- tong (etc.)
- too
- took
- tool
- tooth (etc.)
- top (etc.)
- topaz
- tophet
- torch
- torment (etc.)
- tormentor
- torn
- tortoise
- torture (etc.)
- toss (etc.)
- totter (etc.)
- touch (etc.)
- tow (etc.)
- towardness (etc.)
- towel
- tower (etc.)
- town
- toy (etc.)
- trade (etc.)
- tradition (etc.)
- traffick (etc.)
- train (etc.)
- traitor (etc.)
- trample (etc.)
- trance (etc.)
- tranquil (etc.)
- transfer (etc.)
- transfiguration (etc.)
- transform (etc.)
- transgress (etc.)
- transgressor
- translatable (etc.)
- transparency (etc.)
- trap (etc.)
- travail (etc.)
- travel (etc.)
- traversable (etc.)
- treacherous (etc.)
- treachery
- tread (etc.)
- treader
- treason (etc.)
- treasure (etc.)
- treasury
- treatise (etc.)
- tree
- tremble (etc.)
- trench (etc.)
- trespass (etc.)
- tri
- trial
- tribe
- tribulation
- tributary
- tribute
- trickle (etc.)
- trim (etc.)
- triumph (etc.)
- trodden
- trode
- troop (etc.)
- trouble (etc.)
- troubler
- troublous
- trough
- trow
- true
- truly
- trump
- trumpet (etc.)
- trust (etc.)
- trustiness (etc.)
- truth (etc.)
- try (etc.)
- tumble (etc.)
- tumult
- tumultuate (etc.)
- turn (etc.)
- turtle
- tutor (etc.)
- twain
- twelfth
- twelve
- twentieth (etc.)
- twice
- twig
- twilight
- twin (etc.)
- twine (etc.)
- twinkle (etc.)
- two
- twoedged
- twofold