KJV Dictionary Definition: trouble
TROUBLE, v.t. trub'l. L. turbo; turba, a crowd, and perhaps trova, a turn. The primary sense is to turn or to stir, to whirl about, as in L. turbo, turbinis, a whirlwind. Hence the sense of agitation, disturbance.
1. To agitate; to disturb; to put into confused motion.
God looking forth will trouble all his host.
An angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water. John 5.
2. To disturb; to perplex.
Never trouble yourself about those faults which age will cure.
3. To afflict; to grieve; to distress.
Those that trouble me, rejoice when I am moved. Ps.13.
4. To busy; to cause to be much engaged or anxious.
Martha, thou art careful, and troubled about many things. Luke 10.
5. To tease; to vex; to molest.
The boy so troubles me,
'Tis past enduring.
6. To give occasion for labor to. I will not trouble you to deliver the letter. I will not trouble myself in this affair.
7. To sue for a debt. He wishes not to trouble his debtors.
TROUBLE, n. trub'l. Disturbance of mind; agitation; commotion of spirits; perplexity; a word of very extensive application.
1. Affliction; calamity.
He shall deliver thee in six troubles. Job 5.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. Ps.25.
2. Molestation; inconvenience; annoyance.
Lest the fiend some new trouble raise.
3. Uneasiness; vexation.
4. That which gives disturbance, annoyance or vexation; that which afflicts.
TROUBLED, pp. trub'ld. Disturbed; agitated; afflicted; annoyed; molested.
TROUBLING, ppr. trub'ling. Disturbing; agitating; molesting; annoying; afflicting.
TROUBLING, n. trub'ling. The act of disturbing or putting in commotion. John 5.
1. The act of afflicting.