KJV Dictionary Definition: treacherous


TREACHEROUS, a. trech'erous. See Treachery. Violating allegiance of faith pledged; faithless; traitorous to the state or sovereign; perfidious in private life; betraying a trust. A man may be treacherous to his country, or treacherous to his friend, by violating his engagements or his faith pledged.


TREACHEROUSLY, adv. trech'erously. By violating allegiance or faith pledged; by betraying a trust; faithlessly; perfidiously; as, to surrender a fort to an enemy treacherously; to disclose a secret treacherously.

You treacherously practic'd to undo me.


TREACHEROUSNESS, n. trech'erousness. Breach of allegiance or of faith; faithlessness; perfidiousness.