"Because a website just isn't enough."
The truth is, if you don't take the time to read at least two books from the point of view of a KJV believer, you can't say that you have thoroughly studied the issue. If it's worth believing (either way), it's worth studying.
If you read nothing else on the subject of Bible versions, read these:
Crowned With Glory: The Bible from Ancient Text to Authorized Version
by Dr. Thomas Holland
My first choice as a recommendation for a solid introductory reading on the Bible version issue. Crowned With Glory is an insightful look at the history of the Traditional Text and its impact on the crown jewel of English translations, the Authorized Version. Approaching the issue from a scriptural and scholarly perspective, Dr. Holland explores the science of textual criticism in light of biblical preservation. Read my full review here.
Which Version is the Bible?
by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones
Next to Crowned With Glory, this is probably the best all-around book on the subject. A scientist by trade, Dr. Jones clearly explains the problems and answers with complete documentation.
Dr. Jones' focus in Which Version is the Bible? is a little different from Dr. Holland's focus in Crowned With Glory, so the two compliment each other well.
Which Bible Would Jesus Use?
by Jack McElroy
Suitably subtitled: The Bible Version Controversy Explained and Resolved. A really good look at the whole issue from top to bottom. Answers the common objections, like "what about the different editions of the King James Bible?" And, ultimately, explains why Jesus would have to preach from a King James Bible if he visited your church today.
This is a relatively new book on the topic and McElroy offers some good, fresh perspective and insight.
Also see the classic The King James Version Defended by Dr. Ed Hills.
More books on the Bible version issue that are well worth reading:
One Book Stands Alone shows that the key to believing the Bible is accepting it as your final authority, and that the multiple version Bible culture is a serious hindrance to a faithful walk with Christ.
Archaic Words and the Authorized Version is both useful in Bible study and research about Bible versions, thoroughly examining the language of the KJV and completely answering the challenge that it requires updating with new versions due to its language.
King James, His Bible, and Its Translators is a superb and concise examination of the commissioning of the KJV, its translation, words, "revisions," and reception throughout history. The author has condensed a huge amount of original research into about 150 very readable pages. Highly recommended.
Thou Shalt Keep Them is a Biblical defense of the doctrine of the perfect preservation of Scripture. This is a "heavy" book written in a scholarly manner with copious footnoting. I know of no more thorough defense of the purity of the preservation of Scripture. I don't recommend this book for light reading, but it does provide a solid theology of the preservation of Scripture in answer to the faithless claims of textual critics who teach that God did not preserve his words in pure form throughout history.
Looking for a King James Bible?
I strongly and whole-heartedly recommend Church Bible Publishers as an excellent source for quality King James Bibles. In particular, their 120RL is a personal favorite of mine. Watch my CBP 120RL review on YouTube.
Here are some options on Amazon.
Even more books, all good:
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It is not the intention of to operate a bookstore. The above links will allow you to purchase these books through, either from Amazon directly or through third-party sellers in the Amazon marketplace.
Also, the list of Bible version books above is not meant to be a complete list of the good books available on the subject. There are indeed many more books of great value written on the topic. The ones selected for inclusion above represent, in my opinion, the "cream of the crop" and the best books to begin with.
If you are having trouble finding something, you may also want to try the KJV Store.