KJV Dictionary Definition: proud
1. Having inordinate self-esteem; possessing a high or unreasonable conceit of one's own excellence, either of body or mind. A man may be proud of his person, of his talents,of his accomplishments or of his achievements. He may be proud of any thing to which he bears some relation. He may be proud of his country, his government, his equipage, or of whatever may, by association, gratify his esteem of himself. He may even be proud of his religion or of his church. He conceives that any thing excellent or valuable, in which he has a share, or to which he stands related, contributes to his own importance, and this conception exalts his opinion of himself. Proud is followed by of, before the object, supra.
2. Arrogant; haughty; supercilious.
A foe so proud will not the weaker seek.
3. Daring; presumptuous.
By his understanding he smiteth through the proud. Job.26.
4. Lofty of mien; grand of person; as a proud steed.
5. Grand, lofty; splendid; magnificent.
Storms of stones from the proud temple's height.
6. Ostentatious; grand; as proud titles.
7. Splendid; exhibiting grandeur and distinction; exciting pride; as a proud day for Rome.
8. Excited by the animal appetite; applied particularly to the female of the canine species.
9. Fungous; as proud flesh.