KJV Dictionary Definition: protestant


PROT'ESTANT, a. Pertaining to those who, at the reformation of religion,protested against a decree of Charles V. and the diet of Spires; pertaining to the adherents of Luther, or others of the reformed churches; as the protestant religion.

PROT'ESTANT, n. One of the party who adhered to Luther at the reformation in 1529, and protested, or made a solemn declaration of dissent from a decree of the emperor Charles V. and the diet of Spires, and appealed to a general council. This name was afterwards extended to the followers of Calvin, and Protestants is the denomination now given to all who belong to the reformed churches. The king of Prussia has, however, interdicted the use of this name in his dominions.


PROT'ESTANTLY, adv. In conformity to the protestants. A very bad word and not used.



1. A solemn declaration of a fact, opinion or resolution.

2. A solemn declaration of dissent; a protest; as the protestation of certain noblemen against an order of council.

3. In law, a declaration in pleading, by which the party interposes an oblique allegation or denial of some fact,protesting that it does or does not exist. The lord may allege the villenage of the plaintiff by way of protestation, and thus deny the demand.


PROTEST'ED, pp. Solemnly declared or alleged; declared against for non-acceptance or non-payment.


PROTEST'ER, n. One who protests; one who utters a solemn declaration.

1. One who protests a bill of exchange.


PROTEST'ING, ppr. Solemnly declaring or affirming; declaring against for non-acceptance or non-payment.