KJV Dictionary Definition: congratulant
CONGRATULANT, a. Rejoicing in participation.
CONGRATULATE, v.t. L., grateful, pleasing. See Grace. To profess ones pleasure or joy to another on account of an event deemed happy or fortunate, as on the birth of a child, success in an enterprise, victory, escape from danger, &c.; to wish joy to another. We congratulate the nation on the restoration of peace.
Formerly this verb was followed by to. The subjects of England may congratulate to themselves. But this use of to is entirely obsolete. The use of with after this verb, I congratulate with my country, is perhaps less objectionable, but is rarely used. The intransitive sense of the verb may therefore be considered as antiquated, and no longer legitimate.
CONGRATULATED, pp. Complimented with expressions of joy at a happy event.
CONGRATULATING, ppr. Professing ones joy or satisfaction on account of some happy event, prosperity or success.
CONGRATULATION, n. The act of professing ones joy or satisfaction on account of some happy event, prosperity or success.
CONGRATULATION, n. The act of professing ones joy or good wishes at the success or happiness of another, or on account of an event deemed fortunate to both parties or to the community.
CONGRATULATOR, n. One who offers congratulation.