KJV Dictionary Definition: congeal
CONGEAL, v.t. L., to freeze, has the elements of cool, but it may be a different word.
1. To change from a fluid to a solid sate, as by cold, or a loss of heat, as water in freezing, liquid metal or wax in cooling, blood in stagnating or cooling, &c.; to harden into ice, or into a substance of less solidity. Cold congeals water into ice, or vapor into hoar frost or snow, and blood into a less solid mass, or clot.
2. To bind or fix with cold. Applied to the circulating blood, it does not signify absolutely to harden, but to cause a sensation of cold, a shivering, or a receding of the blood from the extremities; as, the frightful scene congealed his blood.
CONGEAL, v.i. To grow hard, stiff or thick; to pass from a fluid to a solid state; to concrete into a solid mass. Melted lead congelas; water congeals; blood congeals.
CONGEALABLE, a. That may be congealed; capable of being converted from a fluid to a solid state.
CONGEALED, pp. Converted into ice, or a solid mass, by the loss of heat or other process; concreted.
CONGEALING, ppr. Changing from a liquid to a solid state; concreting.
CONGEALMENT, n. A clot or concretion; that which is formed by congelation. Also, congelation.