KJV Dictionary Definition: apprehend


APPREHEND', v.t. L. apprehendo, of ad and prehendo, to take or seize.

1. To take or seize; to take hold of. In this literal sense, it is applied chiefly to taking or arresting persons by legal process, or with a view to trial; as to apprehend a thief.

2. To take with the understanding, that is, to conceive in the mine; to understand, without passing a judgment, or making an inference.

I apprehend not why so many and various laws are given.

3. To think; to believe or be of opinion, but without positive certainty; as, all this is true, but we apprehend it is not to the purpose.

Notwithstanding this declaration, we do not apprehend that we are guilty of presumption.

4. To fear; to entertain suspicion or fear of future evil; as, we apprehend calamities from a feeble or wicked administration.


APPREHEND'ED, pp. Taken; seized; arrested; conceived; understood; feared.


APPREHEND'ER, n. One who takes; one who conceives in his mind; one who fears.


APPREHEND'ING, ppr. Seizing; taking; conceiving; understanding; fearing.