KJV Dictionary Definition: appoint


APPOINT', v.t.

1. To fix; to settle; to establish; to make fast.

When he appointed the foundations of the earth. Prov. 8.

2. To constitute, ordain, or fix by decree, order or decision.

Let Pharoah appoint officers over the land. Gen. 41.

He hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world. Act. 17.

3. To allot, assign or designate.

Aaron and his sons shall appoint every one to his service. Num 4.

These cities were appointed for all the children of Israel. Josh. 20.

4. To purpose or resolve; to fix the intention.

For so he had appointed. Acts 20.

5. To ordain, command or order.

Thy servants are ready to do whatever my Lord the King shall appoint. 2Sam. 15.

6. To settle; to fix, name or determine by agreement; as, they appointed a time and place for the meeting.


APPOINT'ABLE, a. That may be appointed or constituted; as, officers are appointable by the Executive.



1. Fixed; set; established; decreed; ordained; constituted; allotted.

2. Furnished; equipped with things necessary; as, a ship or an army is well appointed.


APPOINT'ER, n. One who appoints.


APPOINT'ING, ppr. Setting; fixing; ordaining; constituting; assigning.



1. The act of appointing; designation to office; as, he erred by the appointment of suitable men.

2. Stipulation; assignation; the act of fixing by mutual agreement; as, they made an appointment to meet at six o'clock.

3. Decree; established order or constitution; as, it is our duty to submit to the divine appointments.

4. Direction; order; command.

Wheat, salt, wine and oil, let it be given according to the appointment of the priests. Ez. 6.

5. Equipment, furniture, as for a ship, or an army; whatever is appointed for use and management.

6. An allowance to a person; a salary or pension, as to a public officer.

An appointment differs from wages, in being a special grant, or gratification, not fixed, whereas wages are fixed and ordinary.

7. A devise or grant to a charitable use.