KJV Dictionary Definition: visibility
VISIBIL'ITY, n. s as z.
1. The state or quality of being perceivable to the eye; as the visibility of minute particles, or of distant objects.
2. The state of being discoverable or apparent; conspicuousness; as the perpetual visibility of the church.
VIS'IBLE, a. s as z. L. visibilis.
1. Perceivable by the eye; that can be seen; as a visible star; the least spot is visible on white paper; air agitated by heat becomes visible; as the air near a heated stove, or over a dry sandy plain, appears like pellucid waves.
Virtue made visible in outward grace.
2. Discovered to the eye; as visible spirits.
3. Apparent; open; conspicuous. Factions at court became more visible.
Visible church, in theology, the apparent church of Christ; the whole body of professed believers in Christ, as contradistinguished from the real or invisible church, consisting of sanctified persons.
Visible horizon, the line that bounds the sight.
VIS'IBLENESS, n. State or quality of being visible; visibility.
VIS'IBLY, adv. In a manner perceptible to the eye. The day is visibly governed by the sun; the tides are visibly governed by the moon.