KJV Dictionary Definition: urge


URGE, v.t L. urgeo. This belongs probably to the family of Gr. and L. arceo.

1. To press; to push; to drive; to impel; to apply force to, in almost any manner.

And great Achilles urge the Trojan fate.

2. To press the mind or will; to press by motives, arguments, persuasion or importunity.

My broth did urge me in his act.

3. To provoke; to exasperate.

Urge not my father's anger.

4. To follow close; to impel.

Heir urges heir, like wave impelling wave.

5. To labor vehemently; to press with eagerness.

Through the thick deserts headlong urg'd his flight.

6. To press; as, to urge an argument; to urge a petition; to urge the necessity of a case.

7. To importune; to solicit earnestly. He urged his son to withdraw.

8. To apply forcibly; as, to urge an ore with intense heat.

URGE, v.i. To press forward; as, he strives to urge upward.


URG'ED, pp. Pressed; impelled; importuned.


URG'ING, ppr.

1. Pressing; driving; impelling.

2. a. Pressing with solicitations; importunate.