KJV Dictionary Definition: strive


STRIVE, v.i. pret. strove; pp. striven. G. This word coincides in elements with drive, and the primary sense is nearly the same. See Rival.

1. To make efforts; to use exertions; to endeavor with earnestness; to labor hard; applicable to exertions of body or mind. A workman strives to perform his task before another; a student strives to excel his fellows in improvement.

Was it for this that his ambition strove to equal Cesar first, and after Jove?

Strive with me in your prayers to God for me. Romans 15.

Strive to enter in at the strait gate. Luke 8.

2. To contend; to contest; to struggle in opposition to another; to be in contention or dispute; followed by against or with before the person or thing opposed; as, strive against temptation; strive for the truth.

My spirit shall not always strive with man. Genesis 6.

3. To oppose by contrariety of qualities.

Now private pity strove with public hate, reason with rage, and eloquence with fate.

4. To vie; to be comparable to; to emulate; to contend in excellence.

Not that sweet grove of Daphne by Orontes, and the inspird Castalian spring, might with this paradise of Eden strive.


STRIVING, ppr. Making efforts; exerting the power of body or mind with earnestness; contending.

STRIVING, n. The act of making efforts; contest; contention.


STRIVINGLY, adv. With earnest efforts; with struggles.