KJV Dictionary Definition: small



1. Slender; thin; fine; of little diameter; hence in general, litte in size or quantity; not great; as a small house; a small horse; a small farm; a small body; small particles.

2. Minute; slender; fine; as a small voice.

3. Little in degree; as small improvement; small acquirements; the trouble is small. Ther arose no small stir about that way. Acts 9.

4. Being of little moment, weight or importance; as, it is a small matter or thing; a small subject.

5. Of little genius or ability; petty; as a small poet or musician.

6. Short; containing little; as a small essay.

7. Little in amount; as a small sum; a small price.

8. Containing little of the principal quality, or little strenghth; weak; as small beer.

9. Gentle; soft; not loud. I Kings 19.

10. Mean; base; unworthy.

SMALL, n. The small or slender part of a thing; as the small of the leg or of the back.

SMALL, v.t. To make little or less. Not in use.


SMALL'NESS, n. Littleness of size or extent; littleness of quantity; as the smallness of a fly or of a horse; the smallness of a hill.

2. Littleness in degree; as the smallness of trouble or pain.

3. Littleness in force or strength; weakness; as smallness of mind or intellectual powers.

4. Fineness; softness; melodiousness; as the smallness of a female voice.

5. Littleness in amount of value; as the smallness of a sum.

6. Littleness of importance; inconsideratbleness; as the smallness of an affair.