KJV Dictionary Definition: sing
SING, v. i. pret. sung, sang; pp. sung.
1. To utter sounds with various inflections of melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune The noise of them that sing do I hear Ex. 32.
2. To utter sweet or melodious sounds, as birds. It is remarkable that the female of no species of birds ever sings. And singing birds in silver cages hung.
3. To make a small shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice. O'er his head the flying spear sung innocent, and spent its force in air.
4. To tell or relate something in numbers of verse. Sing of human hope by cross event destroy'd.
SING, v. t.
1. To utter with musical modulation of voice. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb. Rev. 15.
2. To celebrate in song; to give praises to in verse. The last, the happiest British king, whom thou shalt paint or I shall sing.
3. To relate or rehearse in numbers, verse or poetry. Arms and the man I sing. While stretch'd at ease you sing your happy loves.
SINGE, v.t. sinj. To burn slightly or superficially; to burn the surface of a thing as the nap of cloth, or the hair of the skin; as, to singe off the beard. Thus riding on his curls, he seem'd to pass A rolling fire along, and singe the grass.
SINGE, n. A burning of the surface; a slight burn.
SING'ED, pp. Burnt superficially.
SING'EING, ppr. Burning the surface.
SING'ING, ppr. Uttering melodious or musical notes; making a shrill sound; celebrating in song; reciting in verse.
SING'ING, n. The act of uttering sounds with musical inflections; musical articulation; the utterance of melodious notes.
SING'INGLY, adv. With sounds like singing; with a kind of tune.