KJV Dictionary Definition: sensual
SENSUAL, a. from L. sensus.
Pertaining to the senses, as distinct from the mind or soul.
Far as creation's ample range extends.
The scale of sensual, mental pow'rs ascends. Pope.
2. Consisting in sense, or depending on it; as sensual appetites, hunger, lust, &c.
3. Affecting the senses, or derived from them; as sensual pleasure or gratification. Hence,
4. In theology, carnal; pertaining to the flesh or body, in opposition to the spirit; not spiritual or holy; evil.
5. Devoted to the gratification of sense; given to the indulgence of the appetites; sewd; luxurious.
No small part of virtue consists in abstaining from that on wich sensual men place their felicity. Atterbury.
SENSUAL'ITY, n. Devotedness o the gratification of the bodily appetites; free indulgence in carnal or sensual pleasures.
Those pamper'd animals
That rage in savage sensuality. Shak.
They avoid dress, lest they should have affections tainted by any sensuality. Addison.
SENS'UALIZE, v. t. To make sensual; to subject to the love of sensual pleasure; to debase by carnal gratifications; as sensualized by pleasure.
By the neglect of prayer, the thoughts are sensualized.
SENS'UALLY, adv. In a sensual manner.