KJV Dictionary Definition: scourge


SCOURGE, n. skurj. L. corriggia, from corrigo, to straighten.

1. To whip; a lash consisting of a strap or cord; an instrument of punishment or discipline.

A scourge of small cords. John 2.

2. A punishment; vindictive affliction.

Famine and plague are sent as scourges for amendment.

3. He or that which greatly afflicts, harasses or destroys; particularly, any continued evil or calamity. Attila was called the scourge of God, for the miseries he inflicted in his conquests. Slavery is a terrible scourge.

4. A whip for a top.

SCOURGE, v.t. skurj.

1. To whip severely; to lash.

It is lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman?

Acts 22.

2. To punish with severity; to chastise; to afflict for sins or faults, and with the purpose of correction.

He will scourge us for our iniquities, and will have mercy again.

Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Heb. 12.

3. To afflict greatly; to harass, torment or injure.


SCOURG'ED, pp. Whipped; lashed; punished severely; harassed.


SCOURG'ING, ppr. Whipping; lashing with severity; punishing or afflicting severely.