KJV Dictionary Definition: rinse


RINSE, v.t. rins. Our common people pronounce this word rens, retaining their native pronunciation. This is one of a thousand instances in which the purity of our vernacular language has been corrupted by those who have understood French better than their mother tongue.

1. To wash; to cleanse by washing. But in present usage,

2. To cleanse with a second or repeated application of water, after washing. We distinguish washing from rinsing. Washing is performed by rubbing, or with the use of soap; rinsing is performed with clean water, without much rubbing or the use of soap. Clothes are rinsed by dipping and dashing; and vessels are rinsed by dashing water on them, or by slight rubbing. A close barrel may be rinsed, but cannot well be washed.


RINS'ED, pp. Cleansed with a second water; cleaned.


RINS'ING, ppr. Cleansing with a second water.