KJV Dictionary Definition: remiss


REMISS', a. L. remissus, supra.

1. Slack; dilatory; negligent; not performing duty or business; not complying with engagements at all, or not in due time; as to be remiss in attendance on official duties; remiss in payment of debts.

2. Slow; slack; languid.

3. Not intense.

These nervous, bold; those languid and remiss.


REMISS'IBLE, a. That may be remitted or forgiven.


REMIS'SION, n. L. remissio, from remitto, to send back.

1. Abatement; relaxation; moderation; as the remission of extreme rigor.

2. Abatement; diminution of intensity; as the remission of the sun's heat; the remission of cold; the remission of close study or of labor.

3. Release; discharge or relinquishment of a claim or right; as the remission of a tax or duty.

4. In medicine, abatement; a temporary subsidence of the force or violence of a disease or of pain, as distinguished from intermission, in which the disease leaves the patient entirely for a time.

5. Forgiveness; pardon; that is, the giving up of the punishment due to a crime; as the remission of sins. Matt. 26. Heb. 9.

6. The act of sending back. Not in use.


REMISS'NESS, n. Slackness; slowness; carelessness; negligence; want of ardor or vigor; coldness; want of ardor; want of punctuality; want of attention to any business, duty or engagement in the proper time or with the requisite industry.