KJV Dictionary Definition: religious
RELIG'IOUS, a. L. religiosus.
1. Pertaining or relating to religion; as a religious society; a religious sect; a religious place; religious subjects.
2. Pious; godly; loving and reverencing the Supreme Being and obeying his precepts; as a religious man.
3. Devoted to the practice of religion; as a religious life.
4. Teaching religion; containing religious subject or the doctrines and precepts of religion, or the discussion of topics of religion; as a religious book.
5. Exact; strict; such as religion requires; as a religious observance of vows or promises.
6. Engaged by vows to a monastic life; as a religious order or fraternity.
7. Appropriated to the performance of sacred or religious duties; as a religious house.
RELIG'IOUS, n. A person bound by monastic vows, or sequestered from secular concerns and devoted to a life of piety and devotion; a monk or friar; a nun.
1. Piously; with love and reverence to the Supreme Being; in obedience to the divine commands.
2. According to the rites of religion.
3. Reverently; with veneration.
4. Exactly; strictly; conscientiously; as a vow or promise religiously observed.
RELIG'IOUSNESS, n. The quality or state of being religious.