KJV Dictionary Definition: reject


REJECT', v.t. L. rejicio, rejectus, re and jacio, to throw.

1. To throw away, as any thing useless or vile.

2. To cast off.

Have I rejected those that me ador'd?

3. To cast off; to forsake. Jer. 7.

4. To refuse to receive; to slight; to despise.

Because thou has rejected knowledge, I will reject thee. Hos. 4. 1Sam. 15.

5. To refuse to grant; as, to reject a prayer or request.

6. To refuse to accept; as, to reject an offer.


REJECT'ABLE, a. That may be rejected.


REJECT'ED, pp. Thrown away; cast off; refused; slighted.


REJECT'ER, n. One that rejects or refuses.


REJECT'ING, ppr. Throwing away; casting off; refusing to grant or accept; slighting.


REJEC'TION, n. L. rejectio. The act of throwing away; the act of casting off or forsaking; refusal to accept or grant.


REJECT'IVE, a. That rejects, or tends to cast off.


REJECT'MENT, n. Matter thrown away.