KJV Dictionary Definition: raven


RAVEN, n. ra'ven. Heb. from its color. But this may be L. corvus, rapio.

A large fowl of a black color, of the genus Corvus.

RAVEN, v.t. rav'n.

1. To devour with great eagerness; to eat with voracity.

Our natures do pursue, like rats that raven down their proper bane, a thirsty evil, and when we drink, we die.

Like a roaring lion, ravening the prey. Ezek. 22.

2. To obtain by violence.

RAVEN, v.i. rav'n. To prey with rapacity.

Benjamin shall raven as a wolf. Gen 49.

RAVEN, n. rav'n.

1. Prey; plunder; food obtained by violence. Nah. 2.

2. Rapine; rapacity.


RAV'ENED, pp. Devoured with voracity.


RAV'ENER, n. One that ravens or plunders.


RAV'ENING, ppr. Preying with rapacity; voraciously devouring; as a ravening wolf.

RAV'ENING, n. Eagerness for plunder. Luke 11.



1. Furiously voracious; hungry even to rage; devouring with rapacious eagerness; as a ravenous wolf, lion or vulture.

2. Eager for prey or gratification; as ravenous appetite or desire.


RAV'ENOUSLY, adv. With raging voracity.


RAV'ENOUSNESS, n. Extreme voracity; rage for prey; as the ravenousness of a lion.