KJV Dictionary Definition: rag
RAG, n. Gr. a torn garment; tear; a rupture, a rock, a crag; to tear asunder.
1. Any piece of cloth torn from the rest; a tattered cloth, torn or worn till its texture is destroyed. Linen and cotton rags are the chief materials of paper.
2. Garments worn out; proverbially, mean dress.
Drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. Prov. 23.
And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm.
3. A fragment of dress.
RAG'GED, a. from rag.
1. Rent or worn into tatters, or till its texture is broken; as a ragged coat; a ragged sail.
2. Broken with rough edges; uneven; as a ragged rock.
3. Having the appearance of being broken or torn; jagged; rough with sharp or irregular points.
The moon appears, when looked upon through a good glass, rude and ragged.
4. Wearing tattered clothes; as a ragged fellow.
5. Rough; rugged.
What shepherd owns those ragged sheep?