KJV Dictionary Definition: push
PUSH, v.t.
1. To press against with force; to drive or impel by pressure; or to endeavor to drive by steady pressure, without striking; opposed to draw. We push a thing forward by force applied behind it; we draw by applying force before it. We may push without moving the object.
2. To butt; to strike with the end of the horns; to thrust the points of horns against.
If the ox shall push a man-servant or maid-servant--he shall be stones. Ex.21.
3. To press or urge forward; as,to push an objection too far.
He forewarns his care
With rules to push his fortune or to bear.
4. To urge; to drive.
Ambition pushes the soul to such actions as are apt to procure honor to the actor.
5. To enforce; to press; to drive to a conclusion.
We are pushed for an answer.
6. To importune; to press with solicitation; to tease.
To push down, to overthrow by pushing or impulse.
PUSH, v.i. To make a thrust; as, to push with the horns or with a sword.
1. To make an effort.
At length
Both sides resolv'd to push, we tried our strength.
2. To make an attack.
The king of the south shall push at him. Dan.11.
3. To burst out.
To push on, to drive or urge forward; to hasten. Push on, brave men.
PUSH, n. A thrust with a pointed instrument, or with the end of a thing.
1. Any pressure, impulse or force applied; as, to give the ball the first push.
2. An assault or attack.
3. A forcible onset; a vigorous effort.
4. Exigence; trial; extremity.
When it comes to the push, it is no more than talk.
5. A sudden emergence.
6. A little swelling or pustule; a wheal; a pimple; an eruption.
PUSHED, pp. Pressed; urged; driven.
PUSHING, ppr. Pressing; driving; urging forward.
1. a. Pressing forward in business; enterprising; driving; vigorous.