KJV Dictionary Definition: purse


PURSE, n. purs. L. byrsa, an ox hide; Gr. id.

1. A small bag in which money is contained or carried in the pocket. It was formerly made of leather, and is still made of this material by common people. It is usually of silk net-work.

2. A sum of money offered as the prize of winning in a horse race.

3. In turkey, a sum of money, about f50 sterling, or 22.

4. The public coffers; the treasury; as, to exhaust a nation's purse, or the public purse.

Long purse, or heavy purse, wealth; riches.

Light purse, or empty purse, poverty, or want of resources.

Sword and purse, the military power and wealth of a nation.

PURSE, v.t. To put in a purse.

1. To contract into folds or wrinkles.

Thou didst contract and purse thy blow.


PURS'ED, pp. Put in a purse.

1. Contracted into folds or wrinkles.