KJV Dictionary Definition: protect
PROTECT', v.t. L.protectus, protego; pro and tego; to cover; Gr. with a prefix; Eng. deck. See Deck. To cover or shield from danger or injury; to defend; to guard; to preserve in safety; a word of general import both in a literal and figurative sense. Walls protect a city or garrison; clothing is designed to protect the body from cold; arms may protect one from an assault; our houses protect us from the inclemencies of the weather; the law protects our persons and property; the father protects his children, and the guardian his ward; a shade protects us from extreme heat; a navy protects our commerce and our shores; embassadors are protected from arrest.
PROTECT'ED, pp. Covered or defended from injury; preserved in safety.
PROTECT'ING, ppr. Shielding from injury; defending; preserving in safety.
PROTEC'TION, n. The act of protecting; defense; shelter from evil; preservation from loss, injury or annoyance. We find protection under good laws and an upright administration. How little are men disposed to acknowledge divine protection!
1. That which protects or preserves from injury.
Let them rise up and help you, and be your protection. Deut.32.
2. A writing that protects; a passport or other writing which secures from molestation.
3. Exemption. Embassadors at foreign courts are entitled to protection from arrest. Members of parliament, representatives and senators, are entitled to protection from arrest during their attendance on the legislature, as are suitors and witnesses attending a court.
Writ of protection, a writ by which the king or Great Britain exempts a person from arrest.
PROTECT'IVE, a. Affording protection; sheltering; defensive.