KJV Dictionary Definition: prophesied


PROPH'ESIED, pp. Foretold; predicted.


PROPH'ESIER, n. One who predicts events.


PROPH'ESY, v.t. To foretell future events; to predict.

I hate him, for he doth not prophesy good concerning

me, but evil. 1 Kings.22.

1. To foreshow. Little used.

PROPH'ESY, v.i. To utter predictions; to make declaration of events to come. Jer.11.

1. In Scripture, to preach; to instruct in religious doctrines; to interpret or explain Scripture or religious subjects; to exhort. 1 Cor.13. Ezek.37.


PROPH'ESYING, ppr. Foretelling events.

PROPH'ESYING, n. The act of foretelling or of preaching.