KJV Dictionary Definition: process


PROC'ESS, n. L. processus, from procedo. See Proceed.

1. A proceeding or moving forward; progressive course; tendency; as the process of man's desire.

2. Proceedings; gradual progress; course; as the process of a war.

3. Operations; experiment; series of actions or experiments; as a chimical process.

4. Series of motions or changes in growth, decay, &c. in physical bodies; as the process of vegetation or of mineralization; the process of decomposition.

5. Course; continual flux or passage; as the process of time.

6. Methodical management; series of measures or proceedings.

The process of the great day--is described by our Savior.

7. In law, the whole course of proceedings, in a cause, real or personal, civil or criminal, from the original writ to the end of the suit. Original process is the means taken to compel the defendant to appear in court. Mesne process is that which issues, pending the suit, upon some collateral or interlocutory matter. Final process is the process of execution.

8. In anatomy, any protuberance, eminence or projecting part of a bone.


PROCES'SION, n. L. processio. See Proceed.

1. The act of proceeding or issuing.

2. A train of persons walking, or riding on horseback or in vehicles, in a formal march, or moving with ceremonious solemnity; as a procession of clergy and people in the Romish church; a triumphal procession; a funeral procession.

Him all his train

Follow'd in bright procession.