KJV Dictionary Definition: prize



1. That which is taken from an enemy in war; any species of goods or property seized by force as spoil or plunder; or that which is taken in combat, particularly a ship. A privateer takes an enemy's ship as a prize. They make prize of all the property of the enemy.

2. That which is taken from another; that which is deemed a valuable acquisition.

Then prostrate falls, and begs with ardent eyes,

Soon to obtain and long possess the prize.

3. That which is obtained or offered as the reward of contest.

--I will never wrestle for prize.

I fought and conquer'd, yet have lost the prize.

4. The reward gained by any performance.

5. In colloquial language, any valuable thing gained.

6. The money drawn by a lottery ticket; opposed to blank.

PRIZE, v.t. L. pretium.

1. To set or estimate the value of; to rate; as, to prize the goods specified in an invoice.

Life I prize not a straw.

2. To value highly; to estimate to be of great worth; to esteem.

I prize your person, but your crown disdain.

3. To raise with a lever. See Pry.


PRI'ZED, pp. Rated; valued; esteemed.


PRI'ZING, ppr. Rating; valuing; esteeming.