KJV Dictionary Definition: presumable


PRESU'MABLE, a. s as z. from presume. That may be presumed; that may be supposed to be true or entitled to belief, without examination or direct evidence, or on probable evidence.


PRESU'MABLY, adv. By presuming or supposing something to be true, without direct proof.


PRESU'ME, v.t. s as z. L. proesumo; proe, before,and sumo, to take. To take or suppose to be true or entitled to belief, without examination or positive proof, or on the strength of probability. We presume that a man is honest, who has not been known to cheat or deceive; but in this we are sometimes mistaken. In many cases, the law presumes full payment where positive evidence of it cannot be produced.

We not only presume it may be so, but we actually find it so.

In cases of implied contracts, the law presumes that a man has covenanted or contracted to do what reason and justice dictate.

PRESU'ME, v.i. To venture without positive permission; as, we may presume too far.

1. To form confident or arrogant opinions; with on or upon, before the cause of confidence.

This man presumes upon his parts.

I will not presume so far upon myself.

2. To make confident or arrogant attempts.

In that we presume to see what is meet and convenient, better than God himself.

3. It has on or upon sometimes before the thing supposed.

Luther presumes upon the gift of continency.

It is sometimes followed by of, but improperly.


PRESU'MED, pp. Supposed or taken to be true, or entitled to belief, without positive proof.


PRESU'MER, n. One that presumes; also, an arrogant person.


PRESU'MING, ppr. Taking as true, or supposing to be entitled to belief, on probable evidence.

1. a. Venturing without positive permission; too confident; arrogant; unreasonably bold.