KJV Dictionary Definition: prescribe


PRESCRI'BE, v.t. L. proescribo, to write before.

1. In medicine, to direct, as a remedy to be used or applied to a diseased patient. Be not offended with the physician who prescribes harsh remedies.

2. To set or lay down authoritatively for direction; to give as a rule of conduct; as, to prescribe laws or rules.

There's joy, when to wild will you laws prescribe.

3. To direct.

Let streams prescribe their fountains where to run.

PRESCRI'BE, v.i. To write or give medical directions; to direct what remedies are to be used; as, to prescribe for a patient in a fever.

1. To give law; to influence arbitrarily.

A forwardness to prescribe to the opinions of others.

2. In law, to claim by prescription; to claim a title to a thing by immemorial use and enjoyment; with for. A man may be allowed to prescribe for a right of way, a common or the like; a man cannot prescribe for a castle; he can prescribe only for incorporeal hereditaments.

3. To influence by long use.


PRESCRI'BED, pp. Directed; ordered.


PRESCRI'BER, n. One that prescribes.


PRESCRI'BING, ppr. Directing; giving as a rule of conduct or treatment.