KJV Dictionary Definition: precept


PRE'CEPT, n. L. proeceptum, from proecipio, to command; proe, before, and capio, to take.

1. In a general sense, any commandment or order intended as an authoritative rule of action; but applied particularly to commands respecting moral conduct. The ten commandments are so many precepts for the regulation of our moral conduct.

No arts are without their precepts.

2. In law, a command or mandate in writing.


PRECEP'TION, n. A precept. Not in use.


PRECEP'TIVE, a. L. proeceptivus. Giving precepts or commands for the regulation of moral conduct; containing precepts; as the preceptive parts of the Scriptures.

1. Directing in moral conduct; giving rules or directions; didactic.

The lesson given us here is preceptive to us.

Preceptive poetry.