KJV Dictionary Definition: pommel


POMMEL, n. L. pomum, an apple, or a similar fruit.

1. A knob or ball. 2 Chron. 4.

2. The knob on the hilt of a sword; the protuberant part of a saddle-bow; the round knob on the frame of a chair, &c.

POMMEL, v.t. from the noun. To beat as with a pommel, that is, with something thick or bulky; to bruise.

The French se pommeler, to grow dapple, to curdle, is from the same source; but the sense is to make knobs or lumps, and hence to variegate, or make spots like knobs. The Welsh have from the same root, or pwmp,a mass, pwmpiaw, to form a round mass, and to thump, to bang, Eng. to bump.


POMMELED, pp. Beaten; bruised.

1. In heraldry, having pommels; as a sword or dagger.