KJV Dictionary Definition: plunge


PLUNGE, v.t.

1. To thrust into water or other fluid substance, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse in a fluid; to drive into flesh, mire or earth, &c.; as, to plunge the body in water; to plunge the arm into fire or flame; to plunge a dagger into the breast.

2. To thrust or drive into any state in which the thing is considered as enveloped or surrounded; as, to plunge one's self into difficulties or distress; to plunge a nation into war.

3. To baptize by immersion.

PLUNGE, v.i. To pitch; to thrust or drive one's self into water or a fluid; to dive or to rush in. He plunged into the river.

The troops plunged into the stream.

His courser plung'd,

And threw him off; the waves whelm'd over him.

1. To fall or rush into distress or any state or circumstances in which the person or thing is enveloped, inclosed or overwhelmed; as, to plunge into a gulf; to plunge into debt or embarrassments; to plunge into war; a body of cavalry plunged into the midst of the enemy.

2. To pitch or throw one's self headlong.

PLUNGE, n. The act of thrusting into water or any penetrable substance.

1. Difficulty; strait; distress; a state of being surrounded or overwhelmed with difficulties.

People when put to a plunge, cry out to heaven for help.

And wilt thou not reach out a friendly arm,

To raise me from amidst this plunge of sorrow?

In this sense, the word is now little used.


PLUNG'ED, pp. Thrust into a fluid or other penetrable substance; immersed; involved in straits.


PLUNG'ING, ppr. Immersing; diving; rushing headlong.