KJV Dictionary Definition: plentiful


PLEN'TIFUL, a. from plenty. Copious; abundant; adequate to every purpose; as a plentiful crop of grain; a plentiful harvest; a plentiful supply of water; a plentiful fortune.

1. Yielding abundant crops; affording ample supply; fruitful; as a plentiful year.


PLEN'TIFULNESS, n. The state of being plentiful; abundance.

1. The quality of affording full supply.


PLEN'TY, n. from L. plenus. Abundance; copiousness; full or adequate supply; as, we have a plenty of corn for bread; the garrison has a plenty of provisions. Its application to persons, as a plenty of buyers or sellers, is inelegant.

1. Fruitfulness; a poetic use.

The teeming clouds

Descend in gladsome plenty o'er the world.

PLEN'TY, a. Plentiful; being in abundance.

Where water is plenty--

If reasons were as plenty as blackberries.

In every country where liquors are plenty.

The common sorts of fowls and the several gallinaceous species are plenty.

A variety of other herbs and roots which are plenty.

They seem formed for those countries where shrubs are plenty and water scarce.

When laborers are plenty, their wages will be low.

In the country, where wood is more plenty, they make their beams stronger.

The use of this word as an adjective seems too well authorized to be rejected. It is universal in common parlance in the United States.