KJV Dictionary Definition: partite


P`ARTITE, a. L. partitus, from partio, to divide. See Part.

In botany, divided. A partite leaf is a simple leaf separated down to the base.


PARTI'TION, n. L. partitio, from partio, to divide.

1. The act of dividing, or state of being divided.

2. Division; separation; distinction.

And good from bad find no partition.

3. Separate part; as lodged in a small partition.

4. That by which different parts are separated; as a partition of wood or stone in a building.

5. Part where separation is made.

No sight could pass

Betwixt the nice partitions of the grass.

6. Division of an estate into severalty, which is done by deed of partition.


P`ARTITIVE, a. In grammar, distributive; as a noun partitive.


P`ARTITIVELY, adv. In a partitive manner; distributively.