KJV Dictionary Definition: ordinability
ORDINABIL'ITY, n. Capability of being appointed. Not used.
OR'DINABLE, a. Such as may be appointed. Not used.
OR'DINAL, a. L. ordinalis. Noting order; as the ordinal numbers, first, second, third, &c.
1. A number noting order.
2. A book containing the order of divine service; a ritual.
1. A rule established by authority; a permanent rule of action. An ordinance may be a law or statute of sovereign power. In this sense it is often used in the Scriptures. Ex. 15. Num. 10. Ezra 3. It may also signify a decree, edict or rescript, and the word has sometimes been applied to the statutes of Parliament, but these are usually called acts or laws. In the United States, it is never applied to the acts of Congress, or of a state legislature.
2. Observance commanded.
3. Appointment.
4. Established rite or ceremony. Heb. 9. In this sense, baptism and the Lord's supper are denominated ordinances.
OR'DINANT, a. L. ordinans. Ordaining; decreeing. Not used.
OR'DINATE, v.t. To appoint. Not used.
OR'DINATE, a. L. ordinatus. Regular; methodical. An ordinate figure is one whose sides and angles are equal.
OR'DINATE, n. In geometry and conic sections, a line drawn from any point of the circumference of an ellipsis or other conic section, perpendicularly across the axis to the other side.
An ordinate is a line drawn perpendicular to the axis of a curve and terminating the curvilinear space.
Ordinates of a curve, right lines parallel to one another, terminated by the curve, and bisected by a right line called the diameter.
OR'DINATELY, adv. In a regular methodical manner.
ORDINA'TION, n. L. ordinatio.
1. The state of being ordained or appointed; established order or tendency consequent on a decree.
Virtue and vice have a natural ordination to the happiness and misery of life respectively.
2. The act of conferring holy orders or sacerdotal power; called also consecration.
3. In the presbyterian and congregational churches, the act of settling or establishing a licensed cleryman over a church and congregation with pastoral charge and authority; also, the act of conferring on a clergyman the powers of a settled minister of the gospel, without the charge or oversight of a particular church, but with the general powers of an evangelist, who is authorized to form churches and administer the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper, wherever he may be called to officiate.
OR'DINATIVE, a. Directing; giving order.