KJV Dictionary Definition: obtain


OBTA'IN, v.t. L. obtineo; ob and teneo, to hold.

1. To get; to gain; to procure; in a general sense, to gain possession of a thing, whether temporary or permanent; to acquiare. this word usually implies exertion to get possession, and in this it differs from receive, which may or may not imply exertion. it differs from acquire, as genus from species; acquire being properly applied only to things permanently possessed; but obtain is applied both to things of temporary and of permanent possession. We obtain loans of money on application; we obtain answers to letters; we obtain spirit from liquors by distillation and salts by evaporation. We obtain by seeking; we often receive without seeking. We acquire or obtain a good title to lands by deed, or by a judgment of court; but we do not acquire spirit by distillation; nor do we acquire an answer to a letter or an application.

He shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Dan. 11.

In whom we have obtained an inheritance. Eph. 1.

2. To keep; to hold.

OBTA'IN, v.i.

1. To be received in customary or common use; to continue in use; to be established in practice.

The Theodosian code, several hundred years after Justinian's time, obtained in the western parts of the empire.

2. To be established; to subsist in nature.

The general laws of fluidity, elasticity and gravity, obtain in animal and inanimate tubes.

3. To prevail; to succeed. Little used.


OBTA'INABLE, a. That may be obtained; that may be procured or gained.


OBTA'INED, pp. Gained; procured; acquired.


OBTA'INER, n. One who obtains.


OBTA'INING, ppr. Gaining; procuring; acquiring.


OBTA'INMENT, n. The act of obtaining.