KJV Dictionary Definition: motion


MO'TION, n. L. motio. See Move. The act or process of changing place; change of local position; the passing of a body from one place to another; change of distance between bodies; opposed to rest.

Animal motion is that which is performed by animals in consequence of volition or an act of the will; but how the will operates on the body in producing motion, we cannot explain.

Mechanical motion is effected by the force or power of one body acting on another.

Perpetual motion is that which is effected or supplied by itself, without the impulse or intervention of any external cause. Hitherto it has been found impossible to invent a machine that has this principle.

1. Animal life and action.

Devoid of sense and motion.

2. Manner of moving the body; port; gait; air.

Each member move and every motion guide.

3. Change of posture; action.

Watching the motion of her patron's eye.

4. Military march or movement.

5. Agitation; as the motions of the sea.

6. Internal action; excitement; as the motions of the breast.

7. Direction; tendency.

In our proper motion we ascend.

8. The effect of impulse; action proceeding from any cause, external or internal. In the growth of plants and animals, there must be a motion of the component parts, though invisible. Attraction or chimical affinity produces sensible motion of the parts of bodies. Motions of the mind ascribed to the invisible agency of the Supreme Being, are called good motions.

Let a good man obey every good motion rising in his heart, knowing that every such motion proceeds from God.

9. Proposal made; proposition offered; particularly, a proposition made in a deliberative assembly. A motion is made for a committee; a motion for introducing a bill; a motion to adjourn.

10. A puppet-show or puppet. Not used.

MO'TION, v.t. To propose. Little used. See Move.


MO'TIONER, n. A mover. Not used.