KJV Dictionary Definition: mix


MIX, v.t. pret. and pp. mixed or mixt. L. misceo, mixtum; Heb. to mix.

1. To unite or blend promiscuously two or more ingredients into a mass or compound; applied both to solids and liquids; as, to mix flour and salt; to mix wines.

2. To join; to associate; to unite with in company.

Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people. Hos.7.

3. To join; to mingle.

You mix your sadness with some fear.

4. To unite with a crowd or multitude.

MIX, v.i. To become united or blended promiscuously in a mass or compound. Oil and water will not mix without the intervention of a third substance.

1. To be joined or associated; as, to mix with the multitude, or to mix in society.


MIX'ED, pp. United in a promiscuous mass or compound; blended; joined; mingled; associated.

1. a. Promiscuous; consisting of various kinds or different things; as a mixed multitude.


MIX'ING, ppr. Uniting or blending in a mass or compound; joining in company; associating.