KJV Dictionary Definition: like


LIKE, a. L., Heb., Gr. See Lick and Lickerish.

1. Equal in quantity, quality or degree; as a territory of like extent with another; men of like excellence.

More clergymen were impoverished by the late war, than ever in the like space before.

2. Similar; resembling; having resemblance.

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are.

James 5.

Why might not other planets have been created for like uses with the earth, each for its own inhabitants?

Like is usually followed by to or unto, but it is often omitted.

What city is like unto this great city? Rev. 18.

I saw three unclean spirits like frogs. Rev. 16.

Among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Dan. 1.

3. Probably; likely, that is, having the resemblance or appearance of an event; giving reason to expect or believe.

He is like to die of hunger in the place where he is, for there is no more bread. Jer. 38.

Many were not easy to be governed, not like to conform themselves to strict rules.

LIKE, n. elliptically, for like thing, like event, like person.

1. some person or thing resembling another; an equal. The like lmay never happen again.

He was a man, take him for all and all, I shall not look upon his like again.

2. had like, in the phrase, "he had like to be defeated," seems to be a corruption; but perhaps like here is used for resemblance or probability, and has the character of a noun. At any rate, as a phrase, it is authorized by good usage.


LI'KELY, a. that is, like-like.

1. Probable; that may be rationally though or believed to have taken place in time past, or to be true now or hereafter; such as is more reasonable than the contrary. A likely story, is one which evidence, or the circumstances of the case render probable, and therefore credible.

2. Such as may be liked; pleasing; as a likely man or woman.

This use of likely is not obsolete, as Johnson affirms, nor is it vulgar. But the English and their descendants in America differ in the application. The English apply the word to external appearance, and with them, likely is equivalent to handsome, well formed; as a likely man, a likely horse. In America, the word is usually applied to the endowments of the mind, or to pleasing accomplishments. With us, a likely man, is a man of good character and talents, or of good dispositions or accomplishments, that render him pleasing or respectable.

LI'KELY, adv. Probably.

While man was innocent, he was likely ignorant of nothing important for him to know.



1. Resemblance in form; similitude. The picture is a good likeness of the original.

2. Resemblance; form; external appearance. Guard against an enemy in the likeness of a friend.

3. One that resembles another; a copy; a counterpart.

I took you for your likeness, Chloe.

4. An image, picture or statue, resembling a person or thing. Ex. 20.


LI'KING, ppr. of like.

1. Approving; being pleased with.

2. a. Plump; full; of a good appearance. Dan. 1. Obs.


1. A good state of body; healthful appearance; plumpness.

Their young ones are in good liking - Job. 39.

2. State of trial. Not used.

3. Inclination; pleasure; as, this is an amusement to your liking.

4. Delight in; pleasure in; with to.

He who has no liking to the whole, ought not to censure the parts.