KJV Dictionary Definition: invade


INVA'DE, v.t. L. invado; in and vado, to go.

1. To enter a country, as an army with hostile intentions; to enter as an enemy, with a view to conquest or plunder; to attack. The French armies invaded Holland in 1795. They invaded Russia and perished.

2. To attack; to assail; to assault.

There shall be seditions among men and invading one another. 2 Esdras.

3. To attack; to infringe; to encroach on; to violate. The king invaded the rights and privileges of the people, and the people invaded the prerogatives of the king.

4. To go into; a Latinism. Not used.

5. To fall on; to attack; to seize; as a disease.


INVA'DED, pp. Entered by an army with a hostile design; attacked; assaulted; infringed; violated.


INVA'DER, n. One who enters the territory of another with a view to war, conquest or plunder.

1. An assailant.

2. An encroacher; an intruder; one who infringes the rights of another.


INVA'DING, ppr. Entering on the possessions of another with a view to war, conquest or plunder; assaulting; infringing; attacking.