KJV Dictionary Definition: intend
INTEND', v.t. L. intendo; in and tendo, to stretch or strain, from teneo; Gr. to stretch.
1. To stretch; to strain; to extend; to distend.
By this the lungs are intended or remitted.
This literal sense is now uncommon.
2. To mean; to design; to purpose, that is, to stretch or set forward in mind. This is now the usual sense.
For they intended evil against thee. Ps.21.
3. To regard; to fix the mind on; to attend; to take care of.
Having no children, she did with singular care and tenderness intend the education of Phillip.
This use of the word is now obsolete. We now use tend and superintend or regard.
4. To enforce; to make intense.
INTEND'ANT, n. L. intendo.
1. One who has the charge, oversight, direction or management of some public business; as an intendant of marine; as intendant of finance; a word much used in France, and sometimes in England and America, but we generally use in lieu of it superintendent.
2. In Charleston, S. Carolina, the mayor or chief municipal officer of the city.
INTEND'ED, pp. Designed; purposed; as, the insult was intended.
1. Stretched; made intense. Little used.
INTEND'ER, pp. One who intends.
INTEND'ING, ppr. Meaning; designing; purposing.
1. Stretching; distending. Little used.
INTEND'MENT, n. Intention; design; in law, the true meaning of a person or of a law, or of any legal instrument. In the construction of statutes or of contracts, the intendment of the same is, if possible, to be ascertained, that is, the true meaning or intention of the legislator or contracting party.