KJV Dictionary Definition: innocency
IN'NOCENCY, n. L. innocentia; in and noceo, to hurt.
1. Properly, freedom from any quality that can injure; innoxiousness; harmlessness; as the innocence of a medicine which can do no harm. In this sense, the noun is not obsolete, though less used than the adjective.
2. In a moral sense, freedom from crime, sin or guilt; untainted purity of heart and life; unimpaired integrity.
Enjoyment left nothing to ask--innocence left nothing to fear.
3. Freedom from guilt or evil intentions; simplicity of heart; as the innocence of a child.
4. Freedom from the guilt of a particular sin or crime. This is the sense in which the word is most generally used, for perfect innocence cannot be predicated of man. A man charged with theft or murder may prove his innocence.
5. The state of being lawfully conveyed to a belligerent, or of not being contraband; as the innocence of a cargo, or of any merchandize.
IN'NOCENT, a. L.innocens.
1. Properly, not noxious; not producing injury; free from qualities that can injure; harmless; innoxious; as an innocent medicine or remedy.
2. Free from guilt; not having done wrong or violated any law; not tainted with sin; pure; upright. In this general sense, no human being that is a moral agent, can be innocent. It is followed by of.
3. Free from the guilt of a particular crime or evil action; as, a man is innocent of the crime charged in the indictment.
4. Lawful; permitted; as an innocent trade.
5. Not contraband; not subject to forfeiture; as innocent goods carried to a belligerent nation.
IN'NOCENT, n. One free from guilt or harm.
1. A natural; an idiot. Unusual.
IN'NOCENTLY, adv. Without harm; without incurring guilt.
1. With simplicity; without evil design.
2. Without incurring a forfeiture or penalty; as goods innocently imported.