KJV Dictionary Definition: inflame


INFLA'ME, v.t. L. inflammo; in and flamma, flame.

1. To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn; in a literal sense. But more generally,

2. To excite or increase, as passion or appetite; to enkindle into violent action; as, to inflame love, lust or thirst; to inflame desire or anger.

3. To exaggerate; to aggravate in description.

A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemy inflames his crimes. Unusual.

4. To heat; to excite excessive action in the blood; as to inflame the blood or body; to inflame with wine.

5. To provoke; to irritate; to anger.

6. To increase; to exasperate; as, to inflame the enmity of parties, or the spirit of sedition.

7. To increase; to augment; as, to inflame a presumption.

INFLA'ME, v.i. To grow hot, angry and painful.


INFLA'MED, pp. Set on fire; enkindled; heated; provoked; exasperated.


INFLA'MER, n. The person or thing that inflames.


INFLA'MING, ppr. Kindling; heating; provoking; exasperating.