KJV Dictionary Definition: immediate
IMME'DIATE, a. L. in and medius, middle.
1. Proximate; acting without a medium, or without the intervention of another cause or means; producing its effect by its own direct agency. An immediate cause is that which is exerted directly in producing its effect, in opposition to a mediate cause, or one more remote.
2. Not acting by second causes; as the immediate will of God.
3. Instant; present; without the intervention of time. We must have an immediate supply of bread.
Immediate are my needs--
Death--inflicted--by an immediate stroke.
IMME'DIATELY, adv. Without the intervention of any other cause or event; opposed to mediately.
The transfer, whether accepted immediately by himself, or mediately by his agent, vests in him the property.
1. Instantly; at the present time; without delay, or the intervention of time.
And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will, be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Matt.8.
IMME'DIATENESS, n. Presence with regard to time.
1. Exemption from second or intervening causes.