KJV Dictionary Definition: hiss


HISS, v.i.

1. To make a sound by driving the breath between the tongue and the upper teeth; to give a strong aspiration, resembling the noise made by a serpent and some other animals, or that of water thrown on hot iron. Hissing is an expression of contempt.

The merchants among the people shall hiss at thee. Ezek. 27.

2. To express contempt or disapprobation by hissing.

3. To whiz, as an arrow or other thing in rapid flight.

HISS, v.t. To condemn by hissing; to explode. The spectators hissed him off the stage.

1. To procure hisses or disgrace.

--That of an hour's age doth hiss the speaker.

HISS, n. The sound made by propelling the breath between the tongue and upper teeth; the noise of a serpent, a goose, &c.

He hiss for hiss returned.

1. An expression of contempt or disapprobation, used in places of public exhibition.


HISS'ING, ppr. Making the noise of serpents.

HISS'ING, n. A hissing sound; an expression of scorn or contempt.

1. The occasion of contempt; the object of scorn and derision.

I will make this city desolate,and a hissing. Jer.19.


HISS'INGLY, adv. With a whistling sound.