KJV Dictionary Definition: gaze
GAZE, v.i. Gr. to be astonished, and Heb. to see or look, that is, to fix the eye or to reach with the eye.
To fix the eyes and look steadily and earnestly; to look with eagerness or curiosity; as in admiration, astonishment, or in study.
A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind.
Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into
heaven? Acts.1.
GAZE, v.t. To view with fixed attention.
And gazed awhile the ample sky.
It is little used as a transitive verb.
GAZE, n. A fixed look; a look of eagerness, wonder or admiration; a continued look of attention.
With secret gaze,
Or open admiration, him behold--
1. The object gazed on; that which causes one to gaze.
Made of my enemies the scorn and gaze.
GA'ZEFUL, a. Looking with a gaze; looking intently.
GA'ZING, ppr. See Gaze Looking with fixed attention.