KJV Dictionary Definition: foe


FOE, n. fo. See Fiend.

1. An enemy; one who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge or malice against another.

A man's foes shall be they of his own household. Matt. 10.

2. An enemy in war; one of a nation at war with another, whether he entertains enmity against the opposing nation or not; an adversary.

Either three years famine, or three months to be destroyed before they foes. 1Chron. 21.

3. Foe, like enemy, in the singular, is used to denote an opposing army, or nation at war.

4. An opponent; an enemy; one who opposes any thing in principle; an ill-wisher; as a foe to religion; a foe to virtue; a foe to the measures of the administration.

FOE, v.t. To treat as an enemy. Obs.