KJV Dictionary Definition: flame


FLAME, n. L. flamma.

1. A blaze; burning vapor; vapor in combustion; or according to modern chimistry, hydrogen or any inflammable gas, in a state of combustion, and naturally ascending in a stream from burning bodies being specifically lighter than common air.

2. Fire in general.

3. Heat of passion; tumult; combustion; blaze; violent contention. One jealous, tattling mischief-maker will set a whole village in a flame.

4. Ardor of temper or imagination; brightness of fancy; vigor of thought.

Great are their faults, and glorious is their flame.

5. Ardor of inclination; warmth of affection.

Smit with the love of kindred arts we came,

And met congenial, mingling flame with flame.

6. The passion of love; ardent love.

My heart's on flame.

7. Rage; violence; as the flames of war.

FLAME, v.t. To inflame; to excite.

FLAME, v.i.

1. To blaze; to burn in vapor, or in a current; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion.

2. To shine like burning gas.

In flaming yellow bright.

3. To break out in violence of passion.


FLA'MING, ppr.

1. Burning in flame.

2. a. Bright; red. Also, violent; vehement; as a flaming harangue.

FLA'MING, n. A bursting out in a flame.


FLA'MINGLY, adv. Most brightly; with great show or vehemence.